Thursday, December 13, 2007
To Be Famous!
She's girl; simple, gentle, smart... not that rich, but from a poor, unfortunate, background. Her father went away with another wife and her mother passed away coz of unresistable heart pain.
I like her very much as she's always strong and struggling... don't know what else i should say, but she's pretty cute as well. Tall...
It hurts when i heard this happened to her. That guy, pretty looking young rich boy...
How can he breaks off a gal like that? He convinced her to bed... He filmed her naked and sent all over to his friends... and commenting on every part of her. She was his girlfriend.
That's the answer of the guy... Are you serious in our love? "I DON'T KNOW."
That was to show off to all his friends how he can achieve that... flirting a cute gal, get her undressed, and film for personal production... TO BE FAMOUS.
How can a girl like her be like that? I never want to believe this.
Pity yourself, gals.. my frns... going out together for holiday in Kg Som... in Siem Reap... only you yourselves with those freaking guys.
Why isn't it enough?
Anyway... how?
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
A father and a son... the love...
I remembered the time that we were together on that old motorbike running through ranges of rubber trees. You were so proud of me.
I rarely had a chance to call you again... You went away... if our family had not broken, we'd not have been that poor. My mother always cried; i hated you.
I hated those neighbors and those men looking down on my mum... If you were around always, we'd not have been treated that way.
I was too small to remember when you actually left us alone; and i almost forget your face when you came back that one time years later. I remembered mum was crying a lot. She talked a lot as she was drunk that night... she never drank before. She asked you to stay back, but you said you needed to go... it was a responsibility to take care of your younger kids. They needed you more...
We were thriving for life; everyone of us were working hard to survive... we were never happy even if i got prizes or sth. I hardly remembered if i had ever smiled with mum, brothers, and sister.
Mum sold fish and everything until her older age. She said she was so afraid of sins. I convinced her there were no sins on earth. I'm forced not to believe in sins... When you were here, life was not this tough; at least we could still smile sometimes.
Years later when i got a bit mature, you were back again with your new family... I'd like to have father, but i never missed you that time... I saw you but not often. From then, i understood life better; i was always saying you were so wrong, not smart... you beated me up.
I were ready to be chopped down with the axe on your hand that cool night... i didn't like the way you spoke... i hate drunk man. I realized later that you were just not brave enough to talk with me undrunk. After those countless quarrels between a father and a son, you were always sending me a letter.. i couldn't remember how many i had read either.
"I love you and everyone... I confessed my wrongdoing; can't be forgiven. Forget this father. But don't be upset of your destiny. Never be upset of your life... Remember it's life... For me as father, i always believe in you growing to be a better person. I strongly believe in you. I'm proud of you even with this upbringing. Be strong always my son..."
You liked writing and the contents of your writings were always that same old song except for the last two you gave.
I felt that you loved me.. and i never know how it was true. I loved you as you gave me this life... this head... this whole body... and especially this life lessons. I was really angry with you last time but it never happened again after i got out better in my state of living.
I never have any revenge in mind. All i want is to make everyone of you happy. I did tell you. I asked you to take care of yourself.. and i'd make you proud of yourself and proud of me again..
But maybe i hadn't taken it serious enough... i didn't know the sun would lose its shines even before dusk. I wish i could talk to you personally in your fully awake mind... i could never. I asked to meet you when i'd lost in the dark, still you never wanted to give me a chance.
I never saw your loving face again since i was very young... now i can't see your face forever... My Great Father!
I miss you.
If it's true, may we be in the whole family again with you in your own self.
Now i'll erasing your old story and i'm building a good new one for you. May you be with me forever. Father.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Talking with this Australian man, somehow i get quite lost in his question on my company's social status... Hey he's quite a good customer though (I do feel miss my customers most of the time... those nice chattings with them).
For a while this evening, he came to ask me that "you know your contry's just missed something very important... that can give back your past glory." Wow i tried to think of what that'd be. Is that about the oil discovery? Oh no, i guessed that is the Vote for the New 7 Wonders of the World.
Talking about this terrible guy so called POLLLL POTTT... the most stupid man on earth.
Then talking about whether i love the king, the government... sth i don't like talking about.
Finally coming to this.. what i should do as one of the country's bright boys. (i'm one of the brights!),,, A ltl bit of talking, then he said he thinks there're 3 things for Cambodians to do:
1. Rid of cigarete from your country, 1m ppl die each year... only Cambodia allows tobaco ad... (this is funny as i listened to)
2. Rid of Cristianity from your country (funny again, he's a cristian)..
3. He couldn't remember the third... (get back to me nxt tm)
I don't like religion coz i know God always cheat ppl__ really hate religious ppl. can't stand those ppl saying God heals HIV... That's not funny. I raised my eyebrow... what's the point for me my ppl to preserve Bhuddism.. He's just another man from another country, not my own ppl...
Presearve your Bhuddhism... that's the beauty of your country your ppl... that's your image, your face, your past... The root of your beautiful culture...
(Now i'm wondering if we were standing in the wrong position)
The man: Professor in the Royal University of Phnom Penh
So what are those things we'd preserve?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Finally, there's gona be a wedding in my house, first time ever. The event's on 19 Nov 07... which is on Mon. Anyone's free on the day, pls come cheer up with me.
Hey the event is between my brother and his to-be 16 yo wife. So cute, man. I think i still feel for her by now (big crime). Anyway... There's gona be a damn hard work for me this time on. He's now 26 and marries a 16... If i wana beat him, i gota find a 12 yo gal now... coz i'm 22. Actually it sounds like an interesting idea.. 10 yrs later, I'll be 32 and she'll be 22 haha.Loving a 12 yo gal, you feel safe and sound... presumably she's untouched by any mind contamination. That's called PURITY. I'm alr badly polluted, so it's best if i can find sb like that, don't you think?
Friday, October 19, 2007
- Not bad, Cambodia has its own way of writing system... No others can claim this treasure.
-Chandler in FRIEND said "Everybody knows what Cambodia is famous for."Then his roommate say "Yeah... but what is that"... He said "Oh yeah what is it?"
-A Malaysian tourist said "It's really amazing just to get into the entrance of the Angkor Wat... Just like you suddently appear in a heavenly kingdom... Like you are taken back to the past"
-A Caucasian said "Never see this great before. Really worth the 2 years saving for this trip..."
-Countless bunch of ppl say they like the Cambodian smile, the best ppl ever seen.
-The Cambodian normally don't squeeze foreigners for bucks...
-A Scottish said he's made not leave this country...
-An old English man said he likes the way the ppl here treat him, especially gals... In his country, this young gals never look at you old ppl... here gals're sweet...
-Group of ppl say the Vietnamese gals are better than Cambodian gals...
-Tourists say the Cambodian sour soups are not too sour nor too hot...
-They say Cambodians are generally friendlier than others, similar to laotians...
-And there are probably too many beggars in Cambodia... A bit hard to find peace here. You travel coz you wana relax your mind... and you come to pity these poor, make yourselves no more enjoyable...
-There should be more helping groups... Too many NGOs, but not many are helpfull
-Hardly see ppl wearing spec here...
-Hardly find well educated ppl here too...
-It's just too stupid to talk to authority in Cambodia
-The kids along the street are very lovely.. they should be treated well...
-The government has lots of things more to do.
-There's no way the Cambodians can compete with Thailand and Vietnam.. you're just too far behind, you are not as smart.
-You, young generation, should retrieve back your country's dignity... get it back.
-What the Cambodian can be proud of? Except Angkor Wat? I say "Bayon"... haha (what else should i have answered).
-Just these little little things, the Cambodians don't know how to do... Stupid (I hate hearing this, you bitch... i wana kick your ass, but...)
-There are too many dots.......... for Cambodians...
-I said as a Cambodian, we're born with a job... a job to rebuild the country to glory... He said you're wrong.... Not a job, it's your responsibility.. never finish.
-Angkor Wat's closing... hard for you to earn money from tourists as you know you just don't have anything else besides Angkor Wat...
-A Khmer Rouge Tribunal investigator or researcher asked me "How do you think about the tribunal?".. "What do you think about those gurus to be questioned in the court?"... I said "Who are those ppl? Are they Khmers?"
-There's an English song called "Holiday in Cambodia"...
-I took a picture with my friends on Preah Vihear Temple near the sign saying "I'm proud to be a Cambodian"... Months later it was published in newspaper... Is it coz it's so funny? the word unheard?
-The Cambodians, arts, cultures... you guys should promote more.
-I always ask when i am strong enough... why i can't do this.
-Oh a chinese lady said at least the Cambodian guys are generally better than Chinese, Taiwanese, or Korean guys... Then we should promote more.
-A Khmer American says it's generally better to live in America as everything's free... (I heard everything's exp there...)
-My country is developing...
-Cambodia's becoming a new oil empire...
-It's true Cambodia used to be the biggest exporter of rice and rubber...
-Why Cambodian arts flourished also during the 50s and 60s?
-What now?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Just recently, a girl (another girl) sent me a msg:
"Why r u so quiet, my ltl puppy? Been missing u so much. Think we gota find sm time 2b together. Now thinking of having a very romantic candle light dinner tgd in the darkest night of Pchum Ben period. Duno which day u free? Pls reply me asap. Love."
wow.. what's that? Tremble the whole day for that, u noe! How am i gona reply to her? Oh God, dammit.
I don't know. I don't really wana get involved. But finally i still reply... "yeah! wonderful! let make it this lovely sunday" A lot more man i wrote to her....
The next reply from her:
"Hey dear... just kidding with u. Gd ni n sweet dream"
Gals these days like kidding and cheating, man!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
One way to wash away the pain, sorrow, sadness, or suffering in life is to seek out and try to understand its causes. In this world of interrelated incidents, it's hard to find what the the real cause is. This only one little thing has many of causes; just like how we feel and how we love.
Many times we make mistakes; we blame ourselves or even God and get disappointed in life just because of our denial of the truth; the truth that everything in this seeing changes or will change. And yeah, people are reluctant to change, don't you think, atleast to some extent.
And the repudiation of this one truth also links to another cause of pain and sorrow. Guess what? That is your repudiating the fact that you don't own anything in this existence. How dare you say that? Okie! That's because you don't have any power to control it. Not only can't you control it, but you can't even know when it's gona go away from you.
Be ready to accept that your skin will no longer smooth and your hair will drop some day so that you won't have any pain and sorrow.
This is a relation of the three basic theories in life in Bhudda's finding; <Tukha, Anijang, Anita>.
Going on, we can also explain this phenomenon by the sub theory of <Loapha, Tosa, Moha>. Because of our denial of the truths, we're so resistent to our passion in life, which draws out our compassions and good judgements (Meta, Karona, Muteta, and Opekha; the four mentalities that seperate human kind from animals)
When we lost this four mentalities, we'd become selfish and ignorant. That paves the way for the 3 evils to come in control us. Loapha's the first that makes us deaf. Then Tosa comes to make us mute and Moha last but not least will drive us blind. Finally, we'd ask ourselves where my happiness is.
One'd say the evil can also find his happiness by his deeds. But remember, we are in this world not an island.
SOOOOO - Have u found out a way to eliminate your pain and sorrow?
I say 'Yeah'... How?
Still, she's gone!
Not all of these arguments're neccessarily true. Find out the fallacies yourselves!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Unlucky man! A smelly smoke fish. Other ppl's ponds. Never understand.
That gal has boyfriend(s), u jerk still stare at her. Nilllllllllll.
This gal never says she has boyfriends, but she does have one. Y doesn't ssshe tell? Ooo i almost finish drawing her face, that small nose... messy hair... that lipstick... that wide forehead...and long hair...
I message her, she replied a chocolate dream every night. Dun stay up so late coz u so thin and have black eyes. Ooo shit. I'm falling from rooftop. Let me be yr angel.
I needa see her ear rings to finish the drawing... yah tonight i'm gona give her.
No i asked her first. Did u ever love? U freak... this grown up gal... what such a question? She said "THAT IS MY MEUT PROS". In khmer, it's something not so clear. Then clarify. Meaning boyfriend?
Yeah... she said yeah... i said öh yeah... Wait i rub my face... A stone's breaking through my forehead, almost almost drop. emm..i gotta rest... Oh again... is he really yr boyfriend? That guy?
I'm sleeping tonight... oh still a stone on my head.... i still can't make it man. I gotta sleep. I'm thin. I'm black eyed. Gota work tmr. Yesterday, she msg me first.. and said "A chocolate dream." I still have the msg on my phone.
Oh i think i'm sick... No i'm a strong man... I CAN'T BE SICK, PLEASE.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Do u really care about corruption in Cambodia?
I don't care. Do you know what i care about?
I care only about how to wisely and effectively bribe in Cambodia.
What to do when it's flooding. You must try to prevent when the big water is coming. Get ready the canal or rise up a wall of sand bags.
Yah, but when it's already flooded... How? Be prepared how to live in, on, over, or whatever, it. It's not easy buddies, but at least you learn how to survive.
This morning, i went to the Ministry of Industry yah yah yah... I asked a few questions to an officer there. What happened? Hey he was out looking for info almost an hour. I was waiting like crazy.
On the way back to the office, my driver told me sth... (you should give him some understanding, otherwise you didn't need to wait that long). Hah only that kinda enquiry? Wow, anyway he used a very good word "Monosanh Jetna".
Oh man, i've got a big problem now. Not that i don't have Monosanh Jetna, but i don't know when, how, and where to have that Monosanh Jetna. Really!
I must learn this fast, otherwise my heart's gona be broken again and again.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Rebuild selfconfidence...
Sit smiling like my stone father.
No fear]
who u r?
I'm a son of a great empire. My father's a warrier king. He's a protector of this land. I'm the next to be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Emm.. been talking about many things, but just feel that i miss out this one thing. Haha today wana talk about LOVE. Hooo..
Okie, believe all of us at least have some ideas or actually guidelines for what, when, why, and how we love. Shamelessly speaking about myself... first i thought i would choose to love a girl who IS emm gentle, well-educated, well-thought, kind, caring.. blahblahblah.. oh yeah of course pretty looking :) Then somehow some point in time, i turned to feel like loving kind of nasty gals, playful, strong, self-confident, self-determined..
*deep sigh*... very dificult difficult. Those gals who are gentle are hard to attract in as i'm never good at FLIRTING ^stupid. Those who are well educated cannot be reached since i'm still still low in status... (what would i say when she's staring my toes and asks if i've cut my nails). And hey those who are playful in some way don't like my face (NVM i'm a bit dry /// hey you won't know me until you get close to). Some of my friends said i've got two side (my front and my back: you don't understand.).
oooO not saying that i'm desperate in love... always ready to have new love (that's the only good thing about me). AND now you know what i'm thinking of. Haha.. it's okie. I like telling ppl about this. Yeah now i'm in a big dream for a sweet one, not a sweet corn or potato but a SWEET GIRL. I hate it when seeing *you know* ppl kissing, hugging, feeling, sipping... and blowing.
Yah believe me. Nothing more than having that girl hanging around my neck, look straight into my eyes, and breathing out onto my face. And sometimes she'd lie down on my back and try to look up my face and feel. I cannot stand to kiss her mouth when she closes her eyes. She always look in an intensely innocent view.. She always asks if i'm alright. She taps on my face, cup my chin and smoothen my nose. Look like i'm a kid... but i like it.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Emm... gota be away from Singapore for 1 semester... Exploring the truth behind my back >
Gona miss something of course... You know what i miss the most. Not You Gals for sure, but YouTube... Oh gona be left out from what's happening in this world. Okie, next thing i miss is soccer... really enjoy with u guys for those gathering soccers in the rain.
Here in Cambodia, i don't have anyone to play soccer with; SO SAD. Anyway, i still can play voleyball which i missed it so much when i left for Singapore. No dudes right there playing voleyball (except Samuth wah).
Feel like doing many things. When we were there, we didn't try to catch the opportunity.. But when away, it's a miss. Time's too fast alr; don't forgeta set a timeline for your future prospective.
Ooo forgota say.. 2 more gal scholars out of 4 going to Sing next semester.. i should have known that earlier, my brothers.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Premium Cookie Boutique
Help Us Help Others
So here we are... CAMORY, a to-be-opened-soon cookie factory in Cambodia. Me
CAMORY brings up a new face for Cambodia. Our company produces premium cookies with premium packaging and design to wash away an image of inferior product from Cambodia. You will see and know how premium is like. The company backbones are the designing work by our creative director Priscilla Teoh - an international award winning arts designer, the advise and assistance from famous chef in Singapore, Chef Jeffrey Tan - culinary expert and executive chef of the Legends Fort Canning, and of course our management team of 6 SMU undergraduates.
CAMORY is our team's brainchild and is born from our heart and soul for the disadvantagous people in the country. We aim at providing work and nice food for them. Moreover, some percentage of the profit will be contributed to a local orphanage, NCCLA (New Cambodian Children Life Association).
Bringing up the root of CAMORY concept: Our team were doing a community service project in Cambodia this month last year; we raised enough money to build up 5 houses for poor villagers and distributed stationary, clothes, and accessory for kids in Battambang and at NCCLA. We were thinking of coming to make it a bigger one this year. After one whole year of meeting and discussion, we've come up with this sustainable community service project "CAMORY", not purely a community service project but a sustainable business project. We must have money to help people, so we must have a way to make money. And that's a sustainable business. And now we're starting it up... and we'll see together with you if we make it.
Help buy our cookies, and you'll help the disadvantage. We need you all to help us so that we can help others and at the same time you enjoy your food and your time making your living.
Again, we're opening our shopfront at 167 Sisowath Quay on 7th July 2007... So i hope you all, my friends, come to support us on the day and after.
The backyard of my nation
Friday, June 08, 2007
Hey folks, i'm so worried coz of this guy always sending me his VIAGRA promotion. That is the drug for curing sex problem, restoring and empowering sexual ability. WTF>
In the first email, i thought the email was wrongly dispatched. I replied and informed the sender that i didn't have any problem with that. Unfortunately, the same email is sent to me many other times. I was not so shock until i received the last email today, specifically addressing my name and my problem. Even more, it's said if i don't pay enough attention, i would be hahehe forever.
You know that it's the only thing that i've ever wished to avoid. I said i could lose anything without desperation, except one. Emm... I've got no ideas how this guy know about me (i don't even know myself: really unbelievable).
I've just written to question him again for clarification. Last hope. Help me. What should i do if i?
Monday, May 28, 2007
Be Strong, My Son
Now in Cambodia... Hardly have a new post as the freakingly slow internet is always killing me.
Emm yeah want to recall last week 3-day trip to Siem Reap. I'd got only half a day though to observe and study those beautiful carving on the temple wall. Okie i tell u: this observation's a small research for my future project that i'll never ever tell you unless u bribe me.
Hey amazing... i keep saying amazing... wonderful, marvelous, incredible.. What else can i say? I really cannot imagine how this beauty comes about. I wonder if i'm really a son of these superextraordinary people. A mountain of ugly giant stones can be piled up and decorated to be gorgeous highsky temples that those in the west at the time couldn't open their eyes and the same now couldn't have a word to say.
It was really breathtaking when the wall of the temple suddenly immersed from the jungle in front of my bicycle. It was not my first time there. But i did enjoy getting to the place. It is motivating and inspiring. You know how i feel when i'm realizing myself i'm a son of these people.
Now that my nation's in the backyard of the race.. i'm praying in every step i move. I was saying.. "i want to be your next one", and the 4 giant faces were smiling at me with a cold breeze running into my ears. And i can hear the sound; The sound of the wind saying "BE STRONG, MY SON". It’s truly magical if you know and if you believe.
With this always in my head, my heart held its beating and my brain split up to think. Along the road in the bus, thoughts were just flowing in a flush. A tire was flat and the downpour was just to start. It was a last reminding of the day.
Back in Phnom Penh, I said my last word to my father “I will pursue your greatness. And be with me”.
(From a son of the old empire)
You should have this motivation as a son of this great nation. This nation is not supposed to be in this state of living. We’re born to be successors and pursuers of the great and retrievers of everything we’ve lost.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Emm.. my beloved country... i remember i'd always wait for New Year to come.. Nothing much.. just a time that we could see our relatives, and enjoyed our village life as everyone'd be free from work.. Yeah.. so many rice and pork cakes left over from New Year. Those left over would be kept on fire for days or even weeks. I like eating those grilled pork cake also (my grandmum's a seller, she's the best for me as everyone always praises their elderly for this :).
Emm.. i miss every little chance i had in snatching the food and drink on the Devada shrine. Haha Devada never ate or drank anything as i noticed :).
I miss climbing up the oil pole.. what the hec, i never won those prizes on the top of the pole... I'd never be able to compete again (too old lolz). Oh but this time we can play the "breaking port, វាយក្អម".. emm should have been there. I also miss her asking me to accompany her for night dance, រាំវង់. Now it's not allowed to play pouring water, a really very fun game. But we can sometimes take opportunity to do it onto some gal next door. Haha remember lining up from the well to the main road just to pass the water to pour onto passengers..
Remember riding on my friend's horse cart to visit other villages (gals in other villages). Now no more ox or horse carts leh.. all are alr automated. Remember she picked my name in the love game (ស្តេចចង់). Remember giving rice, រាប់បាត្រ, to monks with her in my last new year day. Remember she got married just at the end of that year, God damn it.
Remember i always made good money from our traditional games (ខ្លាឃ្លោក, ស៊ីគូ, ក្រហម, អូសយិត...) OH remember watching and running away from a crowd of gangsters fighting.
Yeah kinda cool, my friends. Anyway, yeah have a fun reading with these 2 compositions:
1. កក់ចិត្តមុនចូលឆ្នាំថ្មី - រាំវង់ (Book Your Heart Before New Year)
2. លើកកាលីបប្រុសស្អាត - Madison (Boost Up Brandname)
Monday, April 16, 2007
Happy New Year
Last year, here in Singpaore during Khmer New Year we just had a small BBQ gathering.. Now this year, it's a little bit better as we have our new, kind, caring Ambassador.. Our own gathering was also fantastic, but the ambassador organized party was even more joyful as we could see many other Cambodians around. Yeah, of course especially dancing..
Honestly, i never dared to dance in my village.. dunnoe why! I enjoyed dancing when i was a kid.. then i never did it again as i grew up. Until one day, it was not new year time.. but time that i was joining a wedding party of my friend's younger sister, i got little bit of beersss.. haha blew it out.. lots of ppl went to tell my mum the next day about me dancing very awkwardly :( .. never danced lolz.. cannot dance the correct way..
So pitiful, i had only that last chance to dance.. never never again coz i'd come to Singapore alr after that. I REALLY MISS IT. Haha so what? just blow it out whenever having a chance.. haha pardon me for those who got annoyed :) A Hungry boy.
Oh spoiled my band's brandname yesterday for singing.. Anyway.. gotta do better. Emm soccer match after the party was also wonderful.
Happy New Year!
May you all and i success in all goals and attempts.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
(Kun Khmer) Meas Chantha vs. (Muay Thai) Songtai
See our countrymen are trying to their best to get back the attention of the world audiences. Fight! You fight and I FIGHT too.
(Kun Khmer) Pich Sophan vs. (Muay Thai) Yutta Narwe
Tell you! I try to earn money and i'm gona give you those money. Let u get what you're supposed to. I can't fight on the ring; but i'll always be on your back. BELIEVE me!
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007
A Piece of Trash
a blue sky, a beautiful silent night with a crashing dream of tmr...
lying down on the floor, looking straight to the door, snoring with the rhythm of the wind...
wispering a word of emotion, felling deep inside of illusion, losing the view of a green road...
winking the eyes in a notion, thinking inside of a vision, smiling with a beautiful fake dream...
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Dancing at Frns' Birthday Party
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Not so new composition
This piece of music was composed about few months ago. It's not the first composition, but it's one of my favorite works so far. I like it because of its happy tone and comic meaning... Here's what it's about:
it's the love that one can hardly imagine.. i meet you just like a dream.. emm.. never meet, how can we love.. is it a destiny from the past?
so sick of finding the right one to love.. walk in a sleep with praying and wishes.. eager to meet a sweetheart to discard all the stresses and loneliness.. yeah to have one so that none gona say i'm tasteless..
now ya damn beautiful.. so beautiful through out the day and night.. whatever you wear.. nothing can be compared.. oh god all men would cry of jealousy..
hehe from today, this time, this hour on.. ya my girlfriend.. throughout my lifetime span.. i'm gona kiss your cheek.. yeah i kiss all over, darling! hohoooooooooooooooooo yeah heeeeeeeeeee..
okie that's about it.. i was very happy to come up with this song man, but i dun wana read it hehe.. so sth.. nvm.. lie on destiny.. a man will never die without one last kiss..
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Throw the Jews Down the Well
His name's the same as a Cambodian gal's i love.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Must Watch the 2nd Part...
Surprisingly, our Khmer art of film making develop in a very fast paste. I really admire the work of some leading productions such as Hang Meas, SSB, RSK in music and action movie... But now even more exciting, a very beautiful animation of the Khmer Empire has been made. Let cheer up and give them support. Be proud of them...
This 15:38 mn animation is really a big success for this industry. Gotta improve some more anyway such as coloring... Hey not criticise... but i'm really proud of it.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Hooo.. My Khmer composition here..
When you laugh, i smile; and when you cry, i'm always there beside you, sharing your sorrow and enlighten your days..
I would not have the power to light up the whole world, but at least i have a little light just like a candle to brighten you and brighten our love...
Even the star, moon and the sun are still not as bright as our love -- they have time to leave, they have time to run away; but we're forever together.
Our love's strong; its light's immortal... nothing can blow it out.
Wait for what... Check it out and show your support... Click here or click the picture to read the Khmer lyric)
Friday, January 05, 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Oh guess what is happening between the two in the scene? My original idea's kept secret first, but i'll see if your imagination should better replace mine. Woo take part in this crazy work and make it happen with me...
And dun forgetta wait to see my animation, folks!