Wednesday, November 29, 2006

$100 Laptop Set for Launch

Here's coming a new technology. Damn cheap laptops, produced by a philanthropic group of designers led by Nicholas Negroponte - co-founder of the Media Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology - would start coming next week as explained by the project's chief technical officer, Mary Lou Jepsen.

The laptop becomes this cheap due to a new idea of flash exploit and a rethink of a fundamental design of the screen. As described by MS Jepsen, the new laptop employs flash memory rather than a hard drive which is expensive and power hungry and is also the leading cause of hardware failure in laptops.

The new screen design helps bring the cost down to only a third of the normal screen cost of over $100. Also, the new screen takes a maximum of only 14% of the power consumption, is readable in sunlight, and has a high resolution.

Wow... see how incredible these small human beings are. Ok be prepared for a change. Dun underestimate yourselves by the way. Go ahead with your dream... emm i also have a friend who wishes to create a device that can transfer knowledge to human brain. I wish to see that innovation haha.

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