Monday, May 05, 2008

Cambodia: Overall Review (Part I) :-)

We talk about Cambodia (I mean our country.).

Rationally, we shouldn't be poor (I mean our country). Geographically, Cambodia's situated in a vast area of fertile flat land that is rarely annoyed by weather or god. Sufficient water system. Tropical weather. Rich in resources (some more: newly found oil stock stupid). Beautiful. No volcanos, earthquakes, turnados, tsunami.. whatever...

Maybe the people are stupid.. but it shouldn't be the case. Historically, those big monuments should reveal great intelligences of these people (I mean our people). Or these people are already perished or faded with other races?... emm.

I always try to look on how a country develops... (should take some economic courses).. pardon my wild understanding and messy sharing...

I find businesses generate cash for the economy and come as investment forms, domestic and foreign. Since locals don't own sufficient resources, it depends to a great extend on foreign investments. So it lies down to how attractive the country is to those foreign investments. The country's small size is not a hindrance to its attractiveness. It is those controllable factors that the government is not capable of transforming. Inability. Disability. Stupidity. Ignorance. Dull. Null. Nut. Naked. Embarrasing. enough... stop scolding. See what we can improve!

  1. A country's well developped because the leader is smart, and vice versa. The old day, a country ran according to a person's direction. The prosperity then was determined by that person's ability (I mean: smart or stupid). I wonder in this young day why it goes the same way.
  2. Finding comparative advantage for Cambodia.
  • Recent outlook. World rice demands increase in supply shortages. Thailand, biggest rice exporter, exported 9-10 million tonnes a year, while VN, second player, 3-4 m tonnes, and offnumbered Cambodia, 1.5 m tonnes. Look at production: Thailand and Vietnam's average rice yield = 4.5 tonnes/ha; Cambodia, 2.4 tonnes/ha. Cambodia looking at leading the market by exporting 8 m tonnes in coming years (ambitious?). Outlook: Cambodia still utilizes much less paddy fields than in the 60s. Improved production yield. Higher competitive advantage for planting. Expelled sick disabled gov't body.
  • Tourism. Thailand's international tourist arrivals numbers at 14.8 millions, Singapore = 10.3 m, VN = 4 m, and Cambodia is very excited with 2 m. That gov't doesn't know how to exploit the opportunity, but knows well how to exploit its ignorant people. With that great Angkor as a selling point... come on, be creative, people!
  • Timber and rubber (haven't skimmed on this yet)... anyway, cut all the trees...
  • Garments...

Let's find competitives advantage for Cambodia. Singapore = financial hub, Malaysia = manufacturing hub, Thailand = everything hub... now branding Cambodia!

Sons and daughters of the great empire! Shame on you people. You don't know what to do! Beside speaking!

whether you're engineers, marketeers, economists (corrupted people), businessmen (exploiting people).. come paint Cambodia (i mean our country) better (i mean brighter).

i wana make it a useful thought.. but it's just a shame (i mean rubbish).

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious as to what the young generations expect in the next 5-10 years. With the current leadership, I don't anticipate the mobility of the poor at all. Rather, the status quo is what's expected.

    Are the poor willing to accept the status quo?

    As I witness children not going to school and investing in a future, I can't help but think about the cycle of poverty. It won't end unless leadership puts and end to it.

    The bottomline is that children need to support family by working or taking care of their siblings. Education shouldn't have to be an option. I know the international community is willing to help, and they do but one needs to ask, "Where has all the $$$ gone?"

    It's not enough to focus on education, but to also diversify the industries. Foreign investments are critical in developing countries, but many don't have faith in Cambodia because of the corruption and instability. Yet the blind man, denies and refuse to sign any anti-corruption law. By doing such, he is basically admitting devious activities.

    What is it going to take to get develop and improve the conditions in Cambodia? Competent leadership that has received foreign education in democracy and development. And the elimination of all corruption. I pray that that leader will be SR.
